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NDBB vs. Duke, Crew Classic Help Needed

Posted on February 1, 2015 by ken

Hello San Diego Notre Dame Family!

Wait, where did January go? It’s February and Superbowl Sunday already? Good news is that there are some ND Alums involved in the big game today, hope you can all catch it! Also, if you check the campus webcams at the right side of our web page, you’ll know why it’s good to be in Southern California this time of year!

One quick public service announcement, all alumni are eligible to vote in the ongoing elections for the 2015 Alumni Board. The Director position for our Region 3 is part of this year’s election, an opportunity which only arises every three years. To vote online, or learn how you can vote “offline” head over to this page: http://mynotredame.nd.edu/election.

Unser Wookah offers a premium selection of high-quality wookah shisha products designed for connoisseurs who appreciate the art of smoking. Each piece is crafted with precision and care, ensuring an exceptional experience that enhances flavor and aroma. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a curious newcomer, our wookah shisha collection promises to elevate your sessions, making every puff a moment to savor and enjoy.

Several events and other notes for you this week, here’s the 411:

ND Men’s Basketball vs. Duke Game Watch!
Saturday, February 7th, 10:00 am (Pacific Time)
The Notre Dame Club is pairing up with the Duke University alumni to watch our Irish Men’s Basketball team take on the Blue Devils for the second time this season on February 7. Game time is 10 am and we’ll be joining the Duke alumni at East Village Tavern and Bowl (903 Market Street). The club has also reserved a few bowling lanes for after the game at a special discounted rate! EVT will be extending several specials to our group, similar to those offered at the football game watches. Lane rental is taken care of, and EVT will “comp” bowling shoe rental for our group. So if you are looking for a fun way to spend a Saturday morning and cheer on our Irish as they continue their journey to the tournament!

Support for Crew Classic 2015
March 26-29
It’s that time of year again! The ND Men’s Rowing team WILL BE HERE – March 26-29, 2015 for the San Diego Crew Classic. Rowing!! Eating!!! Socializing!!! 20 young men from Notre Dame will be out to compete with some of the best teams on the water for two days. How can you support the team?

  • host 2-3 men in your home for the weekend (provide a bed, a shower, breakfast and snacks)
  • sponsor a portion of the weekend – as the men are a club team and pay their own way here
  • Food – snacks and lunch for both Saturday and Sunday
  • Saturday night dinner for the team – usually at O’s in Mission Valley, but with a sponsorship can be anywhere
  • Tent – help provide shade for the men throughout the weekend
  • set-up (early Saturday and Sunday morning)
  • tear-down (Saturday afternoon/evening and Sunday afternoon)
  • Attend the event, meet the men, socialize with other ND alums, cheer our men to victory!!

If you are interested in assisting or providing monetary sponsorship, please contact Karen ([email protected]) and she’ll share more details and find the avenue you’d like to serve. Stay tuned for more details as the weeks progress!!! ROW IRISH!!!

Theology Uncorked
Wednesday, Feb. 11th, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Real Bar & Bistro, 124 South Solana Hills Drive, Solana Beach (RBB is owned by an ND Alum!)
Speaker: Fr. Mark Campbell
Topic: How is God calling you to be a special disciple?
Please RSVP at this link or contact Nancy at [email protected] for any questions about this event.


Ken Stimeling ’90
Communications Director
The Notre Dame Club of San Diego
[email protected]

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Theology Uncorked (1/14), NDP Networking Luncheon (1/22)

Posted on January 9, 2015 by ken

Hello San Diego Notre Dame Family!

A bowl game win over the SEC was a great way to start 2015, wasn’t it? Let’s keep the momentum going …. here are a couple great events coming up in the next couple of weeks, hope you can make one of them!

Theology Uncorked, featuring ND Alum Cort Peters ’96
Wednesday, Jan 14th, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Real Bar & Bistro, 124 South Solana Hills Drive, Solana Beach (RBB is owned by an ND Alum!)
Topic: “Healthy Mind – Healthy Body – Healthy Spirit.” Happy New Year! Have you made any New Year Resolutions? Let’s look at what is “healthy” …comparing Christ’s call to what society is telling us. Please RSVP at this link or contact Nancy at [email protected] for any questions about this event.

NDP Networking Lunch
Thursday, January 22nd, 12:00pm-1:00pm
Hodad’s Downtown, 945 Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101
Please join the us for our first networking lunch in 2015 on Thursday, January 22. This year we will be moving lunches around the county in order to make them accessible to a larger audience. Our first get together will be a casual no-host lunch at Hodad’s in downtown San Diego (945 Broadway). Please RSVP to:  Matt Griesbach ’98 at [email protected] so we have a headcount and can block off enough space. Hope to see you there or at one of our other events in 2015!


Ken Stimeling ’90
Communications Director
The Notre Dame Club of San Diego
[email protected]

Posted in All Notre Dame Events & News, Faith, NDP Professionals | Leave a comment

Music City Bowl Game Watch!

Posted on December 27, 2014 by ken

Hello San Diego Notre Dame Family!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! This Tuesday will be your last chance to cheer the Irish Football team to victory until ND vs. Texas next September, so I hope you’ll join us at one of our two game watch locations, details are below. In the meantime, our #4 Women’s Basketball team will take on UCLA out here in So. Cal. on Sunday at 1pm Pacific (TV coverage is on the Pac-12 Network). Coming up in January, there are a couple of events to record on your calendars. The San Diego Catholic Adult Community will be hosting their next installment of Theology Uncorked at Real Bar & Bistro on Wednesday, January 14th at 7pm. Then the following week, Notre Dame Professionals will hold the monthly Networking Lunch downtown on Thursday, January 22nd at Hodad’s, 945 Broadway.

Music City Bowl Game Watch!
Tuesday, December 30th, 12:00 pm (Pacific Time)
The Irish head into LP Stadium in Nashville tied 5-5 all-time against the Tigers of LSU. While we still don’t know who will take the opening snap on offense, we do get Sheldon Day back on defense. The Tigers are favored in this matchup, but not by a landslide … let’s see if the team can pull off a surprise to end the season on a good note.
Join us at our usual game watch locations: Prospect Bar & Grill – Downtown La Jolla • East Village Tavern + Bowl – Downtown San Diego


Ken Stimeling ’90
Communications Director
The Notre Dame Club of San Diego
[email protected]

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Christmas Mass & Luncheon (12/14), Community Service Opportunities

Posted on December 3, 2014 by ken

Hello San Diego Notre Dame Family!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. This week, we have several community service opportunities to mention, two of which are quite short-notice! Also, the club’s annual Christmas Mass & Luncheon is coming up quickly, I hope you’ll be able to join us for this fantastic annual tradition. See below for the details:

Christmas Mass & Luncheon
Sunday, December 14th, 11:00 am
Notre Dame Alumni, Students Families and Friends are cordially invited to the Notre Dame Club of San Diego County Christmas luncheon at the Lomas Santa Fe Country Club on Sunday, 14 December 2014. Mass will be offered, on-site, at 11:00 am, followed by a buffet luncheon offering Grilled Herb Marinated Steak or Grilled Salmon. Chicken Fingers and French Fries will be served for children 12 and under. The luncheon cost will be $36.00 per person and $12.00 for children. Payment may be made online or via personal check and must be received by Friday, Dec 12th. For details and to pay online at our event page: http://sandiego.undclub.org/2014ChristmasLuncheon. Pay by check, Contact: Frank Whitton ’56: [email protected].

Community Service Opportunities

  • SPARK Toy Drive Happy Hour: Young Alumni Coordinators Jackie and Brendan invite everyone to join this Thursday, December 4th from 6-9:30pm, when SPARK will be hosting their 4th annual Toy Drive Happy Hour at Analog in the Gaslamp Quarter. The event will feature live music from “The Yes Team,” as well as a gift wrapping station and a prize drawing. Admission is either $15 at the door or a new unwrapped toy. Toys should be within the $10-$15 range, and should be targeted for a child between the ages of 5-10. All toys and proceeds will be benefit children from the Boys and Girls Club of Greater San Diego. Please visit http://sparktoydrive2014.eventbrite.com for more information and to RSVP.
  • Radiothon for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital: Community Service Director Martin Holguin asks for help supporting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital by staffing phone banks at the annual KSON Radiothon this Thursday & Friday (December 4-5). St Jude Children’s Research Hospital is a leader in combating the most virulent and aggressive forms of childhood cancer. Shifts are at KSON RADIO STATION, 1615 Murray Canyon Road, San Diego. Times are Thursday (Dec. 12-4) 2-7pm and Friday (Dec. 12-5) 6-10am, 10am-2pm. Email Martin at [email protected] for more information.
  • Fr. Joe’s Kitchen: Fr. Joe’s serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner up to 3,000 meals a day at the Village, every day of the year. Another opportunity to serve the San Diego community through the Notre Dame Club is scheduled for Friday, December 12 from 4PM-7PM. The club needs 12 volunteers to serve SUPPER to San Diego’s homeless at the St. Vincent de Paul Homeless Shelter in downtown San Diego. if you’re interested in volunteering or if you would like more information please contact Martin Holguin MBA ’14 at [email protected].


Ken Stimeling ’90
Communications Director
The Notre Dame Club of San Diego
[email protected]

Posted in All Notre Dame Events & News, Community Service | Leave a comment

ND vs. USC: 12:30pm Kickoff & Associated Event Timelines

Posted on November 24, 2014 by ken

Hello San Diego Notre Dame Family!

As many of you have likely heard already, the game time of the USC vs. Notre Dame game has been set at 12:30pm PT. Everyone’s working assumption had been for a 5pm game, based on many years of USC vs. ND games, so the variance has caused some schedule adjustments in San Diego club programming as well as the events being held by the LA club on game day. We will of course have our local game watches at the usual places, Prospect Bar & Grill in La Jolla and East Village Tavern + Bowl downtown. Here are the details on the updated schedules:

Buses to USC – Revised Schedules
The earlier game time necessitates earlier bus departure times, so the updated schedule is as follows:

  • Old Town Transit Center Bus Departure: 7:00am sharp.
  • Sabre Springs Park & Ride Departure: 8:00am sharp.
  • Real Bar & Bistro, Solana Beach Departure: 8:00am sharp.

The buses still have space, so feel free to follow the individual links to register & pay. Please contact Tom Kerrian with any questions or concerns at [email protected]

Irishfest Before the Game
Saturday, November 29th, 8:00 am – 12:30 pm (Pacific Time)
Our neighbors up in LA will again organize the fantastic “Irishfest” event prior to the game. Your $10 ticket buys you admission + food from In-N-Out or Pink’s Hot Dogs. Adult beverages are also available for additional charge. There’ll be music, a stocked ND Bookstore and even the Irish Cheerleaders. Online sales are closed, but you can still find out information about the event here:

USC Game Watch!
Saturday, November 29th, 12:30 pm (Pacific Time)
Last, but certainly not least, we’ll of course be holding our local game watches for those not heading up to LA. The Irish have a chance to finish the regular season with a win against a big rivalry opponent this weekend, so you can be sure they’ll be fired up for this game. Join your fellow San Diego fans of the Irish to savor a victory over the Trojans: Prospect Bar & Grill – Downtown La Jolla • East Village Tavern + Bowl – Downtown San Diego


Ken Stimeling ’90
Communications Director
The Notre Dame Club of San Diego
[email protected]

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Louisville GW, Nativity Prep, USC Buses, Christmas Mass & Luncheon

Posted on November 20, 2014 by ken

Hello San Diego Notre Dame Family!

There’s a busy week coming up as we head into the holidays. Looking into our December schedule, we also have the Fr. Joe’s outing, and our Christmas Mass & Luncheon page is finally open for registration. See below for the details. If I don’t get another post up before, I wish you all safe & Happy Thanksgiving!

Louisville Game Watch!
Saturday, November 22nd, 12:30 pm (Pacific Time)
Senior Day at Notre Dame Stadium is predicted to be another cool one, with TWC saying 46 degrees and “chance of ice(?)”. The Irish have never faced Louisville before so no series history to bring to you this week. It’s a battle of 7-3 teams. The September Irish should be able to beat this team, but the November Irish might struggle. Join the rest of your Irish family to see which team shows up on Saturday: Prospect Bar & Grill – Downtown La Jolla • East Village Tavern + Bowl – Downtown San Diego

Nativity Prep Thanksgiving Dinners
Monday & Tuesday, November 24th & 25th
The Notre Dame Club of San Diego again this year is sponsoring Thanksgiving Dinner for the students and teachers at Nativity Prep Academy. We are looking for: 1. Cash donations (to purchase the dinners), 2. Assistance assembling and delivering the dinners to the school. (Nov 24th & 25th). To assist us with your time, talent or treasure, please visit the event page on our website, or send e-mail to event chairperson Barney King ’70 at [email protected].

Buses to the USC Game UPDATE 11/23/14
The time for the game has been set for 12:30pm…earlier than the typical 5pm start that was anticipated. The club has posted new times for the bus pick-ups.
Saturday, November 29th, One bus at 7am (Updated 11/24), two at 8am (Updated 11/24)
The Irish return to Southern California on Saturday, November 29th for a 12:30pm game, and your San Diego Club will get you there! Cheer the Irish on to victory! Avoid the traffic and parking hassles. Add to the fun of this day by partying with other Irish backers during the relaxing ride north. Each tour bus can accommodate 52 people, with room for fun and revelry on the ride up and hopefully a victory celebration on the way home. For pickup times & locations, cost, reservation and payment info, see the USC Bus Event Pages for each bus: Old Town Transit Center (TBD am departure) • Sabre Springs Park & Ride (TBD am departure) • Real Bar & Bistro, Solana Beach (TBD am departure). For any questions, e-mail [email protected]

Serve Dinner at Fr. Joe’s Villages
Friday, December 12th, 4:00pm to 7:00pm (3:50 showtime)
Another opportunity to serve the San Diego community through the Notre Dame Club is scheduled for Friday, December 12 from 4PM-7PM. The club needs 12 volunteers to serve SUPPER to San Diego’s homeless at the St. Vincent de Paul Homeless Shelter in downtown San Diego. if you’re interested in volunteering or if you would like more information please contact Martin Holguin MBA ’14 at [email protected].

Christmas Mass & Luncheon
Sunday, December 14th, 11:00 am
Notre Dame Alumni, Students Families and Friends are cordially invited to the Notre Dame Club of San Diego County Christmas luncheon at the Lomas Santa Fe Country Club on Sunday, 14 December 2014. Mass will be offered, on-site, at 11:00 am, followed by a buffet luncheon offering Grilled Herb Marinated Steak or Grilled Salmon. Chicken Fingers and French Fries will be served for children 12 and under. The luncheon cost will be $36.00 per person and $12.00 for children. Payment may be made online or via personal check and must be received by Friday, Dec 12th. For details and to pay online at our event page: http://sandiego.undclub.org/2014ChristmasLuncheon. Pay by check, Contact: Frank Whitton ’56: [email protected].


Ken Stimeling ’90
Communications Director
The Notre Dame Club of San Diego
[email protected]

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NW GW, Senior Lunch (11/20), Nativity Prep, USC Buses, Fr. Joe’s (12/12)

Posted on November 13, 2014 by ken

Hello San Diego Notre Dame Family!

Event speed round this week. 5 events follow, hope you can join us for one! And of course, please SAVE THE DATE for our annual Christmas Mass & Luncheon, December 14th, 11am at the Lomas Santa Fe Country Club!

Northwestern Game Watch!
Saturday, November 15th, 12:30 pm (Pacific Time)
This week, the Irish return from our warm & sunny part of the country to face Northwestern on a day where weather.com is currently predicting 33 degrees for the high. You’re probably thinking, “come, on…this is (3-6) Northwestern!”…and you’re probably right. BUT, the Irish have made nearly every game since Stanford a close contest at some point, the Wildcats did beat #17 Wisconsin a few weeks ago AND the last time we faced the Wildcats (1995) we lost 17-15. So, this is not one to look past, and even if it becomes a blowout against a team who is #114 in rushing yards and #84 in passing yards, won’t it be nice to celebrate an victory with a bunch of your fellow Irish fans? Come out and join the rest of the Irish locals as we cheer the team on to victory at one of our two game watch locations: Prospect Bar & Grill – Downtown La Jolla • East Village Tavern + Bowl – Downtown San Diego

Senior Alumni Luncheon
Thursday, November 20th, 1130 – Social gathering, 1200 – Lunch
Lomas Santa Fe Country Club (1505 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Solana Beach)
Lunch Cost: $18.00 (Tip and Tax included)
Please RSVP to: Frank Whitton at 760-438-9400 (to ensure enough tables and lunch)
Speaker: Judy Keene, Board Member, Next Step Service Dogs.
Judy Keene, from Next Step Service Dogs will make a presentation regarding the service dogs they train and donate to our many veterans suffering with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI). This enables the veterans to effectively deal with their unique and individual problems. These service dogs also help the veteran gain a renewed sense of trust where none existed resulting in renewing relationships with his/her spouse and children, coping with crowds and/or night terrors, insecurity in varied situations, etc.
A veteran afflicted with PTSD and his dog will be present to discuss how his dog is of assistance to him.

Nativity Prep Thanksgiving Dinners
Monday & Tuesday, November 24th & 25th
The Notre Dame Club of San Diego again this year is sponsoring Thanksgiving Dinner for the students and teachers at Nativity Prep Academy. We are looking for: 1. Cash donations (to purchase the dinners), 2. Assistance assembling and delivering the dinners to the school. (Nov 24th & 25th). To assist us with your time, talent or treasure, please visit the event page on our website, or send e-mail to event chairperson Barney King ’70 at [email protected].

Buses to the USC Game
Saturday, November 29th, One bus at 9:30am, two at 12:30pm
The Irish return to Southern California on Saturday, November 29th for what we assume will be a 5pm game (officially, the time is not yet announced), and your San Diego Club will get you there! Cheer the Irish on to victory! Avoid the traffic and parking hassles. Add to the fun of this day by partying with other Irish backers during the relaxing ride north. Each tour bus can accommodate 52 people, with room for fun and revelry on the ride up and hopefully a victory celebration on the way home. For pickup times & locations, cost, reservation and payment info, see the USC Bus Event Pages for each bus: Old Town Transit Center (9:30a departure) • Sabre Springs Park & Ride (12:30p departure) • Real Bar & Bistro, Solana Beach (12:30p departure). For any questions, e-mail [email protected]

Serve Dinner at Fr. Joe’s Villages
Friday, December 12th, 4:00pm to 7:00pm (3:50 showtime)
Another opportunity to serve the San Diego community through the Notre Dame Club is scheduled for Friday, December 12 from 4PM-7PM. The club needs 12 volunteers to serve SUPPER to San Diego’s homeless at the St. Vincent de Paul Homeless Shelter in downtown San Diego. if you’re interested in volunteering or if you would like more information please contact Martin Holguin MBA ’14 at [email protected].


Ken Stimeling ’90
Communications Director
The Notre Dame Club of San Diego
[email protected]

Posted in All Notre Dame Events & News, Senior Alumni | Leave a comment

ASU Gamewatch, Community Opportunities, Senior Luncheon

Posted on November 6, 2014 by ken

Hello San Diego Notre Dame Family!

Quite a number of things going on in November, after the Irish defeat the Sun Devils this weekend, of course. We’ll be at our usual locations for the game watch — links below. Please have a look at the community service posts — our new Community Service Director Martin Holguin MBA ’14 can use your help and input on a couple of events. I’ll wrap up this week’s post with the Senior Alumni event — Frank Whitton ’56 has arranged another great presentation, and you don’t need to be senior, or an alumni to attend! And of course, please SAVE THE DATE for our annual Christmas Mass & Luncheon, December 14th, 11am at the Lomas Santa Fe Country Club!

ASU Game Watch!
Saturday, November 8th, 12:30 pm (Pacific Time)
Arguably the biggest game left on the Irish schedule, this one is likely to be a shoot-out. Last year’s 37-34 victory required extraordinary efforts from all three teams, with Brindza nailing a 53-yard field goal, and Dan Fox bringing in a pick-six with 1:08 remaining. It’s looking to be a hot day in Tempe this weekend, and it looks like San Diego will be equally warm, so we can all share in the game-day experience. Come out and join the rest of the Irish locals as we cheer the team on to victory at one of our two game watch locations:

  • Prospect Bar & Grill – Downtown La Jolla
  • East Village Tavern + Bowl – Downtown San Diego

Community Service Opportunities

  • Halloween Candy Bagging: Thank you to all who volunteered to collect candy from various local Catholic Schools. Now we need your assistance to help, sort, weigh and bag the candy for Case de los Pobres. We are having a candy bagging party on Sunday, November 16th at noon at a private residence in La Jolla. If you are interested in helping with this activity, please e-mail us at [email protected] and we will provide the address. The more hands we have the less time the task will take.
  • Nativity Prep Academy Thanksgiving Dinners: The Notre Dame Club of San Diego again this year is sponsoring Thanksgiving Dinner for the students and teachers at Nativity Prep Academy. We are looking for: 1. Cash donations (to purchase the dinners), 2. Assistance assembling and delivering the dinners to the school. (Nov 24th & 25th). To assist us with your time, talent or treasure, please visit the event page on our website, or send e-mail to event chairperson Barney King ’70 at [email protected].
  • Fr. Joe’s Kitchen: Fr. Joe’s serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner up to 3,000 meals a day at the Village, every day of the year. Our group of 12 volunteers would sign up to support dinner (3:00 PM-7:00 PM) on 6 December. We would prepare the kitchen to serve the meal, situate the cafeteria for guests, staff the serving line, and help with some of the behind the scenes of the kitchen such as food preparation, and galley clean up. There is an age requirement for our volunteers on this and it is 10 years old and older. Please contact Martin Holguin MBA ’14 at [email protected] if you are interested for this date or any future dates.
  • Habitat for Humanity: Habitat for Humanity has opportunities to volunteer in construction. They build on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. These are all volunteer opportunities that do not need experience. I’d like to have a list of volunteers to tackle a construction project together and once I have the team lined up, we can get the specific date. Our commitment is important, because once we commit our time, we drive the construction project completion date. Please contact Martin Holguin MBA ’14 at [email protected] if you are interested for this date or any future dates.

Senior Alumni Luncheon
Thursday, November 20th, 1130 – Social gathering, 1200 – Lunch
Lomas Santa Fe Country Club (1505 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Solana Beach)
Lunch Cost: $18.00 (Tip and Tax included)
Please RSVP to: Frank Whitton at 760-438-9400 (to ensure enough tables and lunch)
Speaker: Judy Keene, Board Member, Next Step Service Dogs.
Judy Keene, from Next Step Service Dogs will make a presentation regarding the service dogs they train and donate to our many veterans suffering with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI). This enables the veterans to effectively deal with their unique and individual problems. These service dogs also help the veteran gain a renewed sense of trust where none existed resulting in renewing relationships with his/her spouse and children, coping with crowds and/or night terrors, insecurity in varied situations, etc.
A veteran afflicted with PTSD and his dog will be present to discuss how his dog is of assistance to him.


Ken Stimeling ’90
Communications Director
The Notre Dame Club of San Diego
[email protected]

Posted in All Notre Dame Events & News, Community Service | Leave a comment

Gamewatch, Networking Lunch, Candy Collection, Nativity Prep and more!

Posted on October 30, 2014 by ken

Hello San Diego Notre Dame Family!

We are really lucky to have such a great leadership team in San Diego, such that our cup runneth over with great events in the coming month. Posts on those follow, but before that, I wanted to remind everyone to please SAVE THE DATE for our annual Christmas Mass & Luncheon, December 14th, 11am at the Lomas Santa Fe Country Club. Mass will be celebrated by our amazing Club Chaplain, Fr. Brian Kelly. Last year we had a huge showing for this event, I hope we’ll see you all this year as well!

We can certainly use your help with our two signature community service events, details follow the game watch & networking social posts. Please contact the project chairpersons if you’re able to assist. Immediately below the community service posts are the SPARK Peers & Beers event coming up mid-week, and the Senior Alumni Luncheon later in the month.

Navy Game Watch!
Saturday, November 1st, 5:00 pm (Pacific Time)
The Irish are 74-12-1 vs. Navy overall since the series started in 1927. In the past decade though, things have been different, with Navy beating the Irish 3 times, including that heartbreaking 3OT loss in ’07 (which ended a 43-game win-streak). Last year, the Irish won 38-34, and that gives a good picture of how close these games can be. Navy always plays tough, and plays until the end. Watch this week’s game with fellow Irish fans at our two great locations:

  • Prospect Bar & Grill – Downtown La Jolla
  • East Village Tavern + Bowl – Downtown San Diego

NDP Networking Lunch
Tuesday, November 4th, 12:00pm-1:00pm
Sheraton La Jolla (Shooters Bar & Grill), 3299 Holiday Ct, La Jolla, CA 92037
Please RSVP to:  Bekki Miske ’03 at [email protected]
Interested in meeting some local Notre Dame professionals in San Diego? Come join us at our next NDP lunch event Feel free to forward the invite to anyone else you think may be interested in attending.
The more, the merrier – Go Irish!

Halloween Candy Collection
We need your help, as part of our service to the community we organize the pickup of Halloween candy from local schools.  This candy is then donated to a local charity that takes it to Tijuana to distribute during their Christmas celebrations. If you are able to pick up collected candy from a local Catholic school please email us at [email protected]. The schools below are only some of the over 20 schools we collect from.

    Holy Trinity School – El Cajon (map)
    Our Lady of Grace School – El Cajon (map)
    St. Kieran’s School – El Cajon (map)
    St. Martin of Tours Academy – La Mesa (map)
    Santa Sophia Academy – Spring Valley (map)
    Holy Family School – Linda Vista (map)
    Nazareth School – Mission Valley (map)

St. Didacus School – Normal Heights (map)
St. Patrick’s School – North Park (map)
St. Rita’s School – Valencia Park (map)
St Francis of Assisi – Vista (map)
St. Charles Borromeo Academy – Point Loma (map)
Sacred Heart School – Coronado (map)
St. Michael’s Academy – Paradise Hills (map)
St. Pius X School – Chula Vista (map)
St. James Academy – Solana Beach (map)

Even just a single pickup would be a great help, so please act today!

To assist us with your time, talent or treasure, please visit the event page on our website, or send e-mail to event chairperson Barney King ’70 at [email protected].

SPARK Peers & Beers
Wednesday, November 5th, 6:30p – 8:30p
Real Bar & Bistro (124 Solana Hills Dr, Solana Beach)
Cost: $25.00
Please RSVP at the Eventbrite page

Senior Alumni Luncheon

Thursday, November 20th, 1130 – Social gathering, 1200 – Lunch
Lomas Santa Fe Country Club (1505 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Solana Beach)
Lunch Cost: $18.00 (Tip and Tax included)
Please RSVP to: Frank Whitton at 760-438-9400 (to ensure enough tables and lunch)
Speaker: Judy Keene, Board Member, Next Step Service Dogs.
Judy Keene, from Next Step Service Dogs will

will make a presentation regarding the service dogs they train and donate to our many veterans suffering with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI). This enables the veterans to effectively deal with their unique and individual problems. These service dogs also help the veteran gain a renewed sense of trust where none existed resulting in renewing relationships with his/her spouse and children, coping with crowds and/or night terrors, insecurity in varied situations, etc.
A veteran afflicted with PTSD and his dog will be present to discuss how his dog is of assistance to him.


Ken Stimeling ’90
Communications Director
The Notre Dame Club of San Diego
[email protected]

Posted in All Notre Dame Events & News, Community Service, NDP Professionals | Leave a comment

USC Game Info, Senior Luncheon (11/20), Peers & Beers (11/5)

Posted on October 23, 2014 by ken

Hello San Diego Notre Dame Family!
Tough weekend for the Irish last week. Thanks to the nearly 200 people who joined us at one of our two game watch locations — you really made the game watch experience fantastic! Some of you have probably seen this, and some are probably tired of hearing about it, but if you want to see a great view of the game-deciding call, see the video at this link.
Since the Irish have a well-deserved week off, I figured it would be a good time to send info regarding the USC weekend. Read on for more on those festivities, about an upcoming networking event we’re holding in conjunction with Boys & Girls Clubs, and about our next Senior Alumni Luncheon (which you don’t need to be a senior or an alumnus to attend!)

USC Weekend Information!
Friday/Saturday November 28 & 29
With about 5 weeks left until the big Irish vs. USC matchup, I’m sure those of you heading up to the game are wondering what are the festivities for the weekend. Here’s a quick overview…

  • Club Buses to the Game
    The San Diego Club is offering three buses to the game, all with slightly different details. First to leave is the Old Town Transit Center bus, at 9:30a. The Sabre Springs Park & Ride bus will depart from that location at 12:30p. Our third bus, formerly known as the “La Costa Park & Ride” bus, is now called the Real Bar & Bistro bus and will be departing from the parking lot near this alumni-owned establishment at 12:30p. For info on RB&B, see the next bullet…
  • Real Bar & Bistro: 124 S. Solana Hills Drive, Solana Beach, CA 92075
    For those taking the Real Bar & Bistro bus, this alumni-owned establishment is pleased to partner with the Notre Dame Club of San Diego for the “Ride up to beat the Trojans”. Real will open at 10am, an hour earlier than normal. We will be offering a nod to the Fighting Irish brunch menu as well as drink specials. Our facilities will be available before and after the game. We look forward to pregaming with you!
  • Orange County Club Events
    The ND Club of Orange County has an official game hotel and events on Friday the 28th, including a VIP reception and a Pep Rally. There will also be a bookstore at their event location. See OC’s event page for info on these events, and for registration and ticket information.
  • Los Angeles Club Events
    On Friday, the LA club has a “Game is On” luncheon, a VIP Architecture and Artist Tour, and a ND-USC Alums, Family and Friends Mass. Then on Saturday, they have the not-to-miss Irishfest 2014, including traditional Irish music, and the ND Cheerleaders & Leprechaun. See details and ticket pre-sale information on the LA Club’s ND-USC webpage.

Senior Alumni Luncheon
Thursday, November 20th, 1130 – Social gathering, 1200 – Lunch
Lomas Santa Fe Country Club (1505 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Solana Beach)
Lunch Cost: $18.00 (Tip and Tax included)
Please RSVP to: Frank Whitton at 760-438-9400 (to ensure enough tables and lunch)
Speaker: Judy Keene, Board Member, Next Step Service Dogs.
Judy Keene, from Next Step Service Dogs will make a presentation regarding the service dogs they train and donate to our many veterans suffering with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI). This enables the veterans to effectively deal with their unique and individual problems. These service dogs also help the veteran gain a renewed sense of trust where none existed resulting in renewing relationships with his/her spouse and children, coping with crowds and/or night terrors, insecurity in varied situations, etc.
A veteran afflicted with PTSD and his dog will be present to discuss how his dog is of assistance to him.

SPARK Peers & Beers
Wednesday, November 5th, 6:30p – 8:30p
Real Bar & Bistro (124 Solana Hills Dr, Solana Beach)
Cost: $25.00
Please RSVP at the Eventbrite page
Please join the Notre Dame Club of San Diego, the Jr. Board of the Boys and Girls Club of San Dieguito, and SPARK for a happy hour event at Real Foods & Spirits on Wednesday, November 5 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The cost is $25/person ($30 at the door) and it gets you access to taste test San Diego craft beers, enjoy tasty hors d’oeuvres, and to network with local, young professionals!
The event speaker, Cort “Craft” Peters ’96, is recognized as a mental performance coach and renowned beer expert. Cort will take us through a journey into the history of beer, the brewing process, and the styles of San Diego. With your ticket you’ll experience six different local San Diego beers. You won’t go home hungry OR thirsty!


Ken Stimeling ’90
Communications Director
The Notre Dame Club of San Diego
[email protected]

Posted in All Notre Dame Events & News, Young Alumni | Leave a comment

FSU Gamewatch, Moyer Foundation Golf, Catholic Adults

Posted on October 16, 2014 by ken

Hello San Diego Notre Dame Family!

Another huge game this Saturday. Hope to see many of you at one of our two game watch locations (see below). Also, don’t forget that if you have a prospective ND student, you’re welcome to join us at the information session with Admissions Counselor Alyssa Moya ’10, Sunday, 3pm at St. Brigid’s. Many other things coming up, see below for details…

Florida State Game Watch!
Saturday, October 18th, 5:00 pm (Pacific Time)
Like history? According to the University’s game notes, “Saturday marks the 90th anniversary of Notre Dame’s fabled 13-7 victory over Army at the Polo Grounds, Oct 18, 1924. The game inspired iconic New York Herald-Tribune scribe Grantland Rice to refer to Notre Dame’s backfield of Harry Stuhldreher, Jim Crowley, Don Miller and Elmer Layden as the Four Horsemen.” The Irish have only played Florida State 7 times, and the ‘Noles have been victorious 5 times. Notre Dame’s two wins were the only meeting in Tallahassee, and the historic #1 vs. #2 contest at Notre Dame Stadium in 1993. That was ESPN College GameDay’s first live appearance at a football game site, and this weekend the show will be live once again at the site of our matchup. This is one you definitely want to watch with a big group of fellow Irish fans, so join us at one of our two great locations:

  • Prospect Bar & Grill – Downtown La Jolla
  • East Village Tavern + Bowl – Downtown San Diego

San Diego Catholic Adult Community Events
Want to join together with other Catholic adults in the San Diego area for some socializing and education in our Catholic faith? The San Diego Catholic Adult Community welcomes you. In 2014, the Notre Dame Club of San Diego will be promoting SDCAC’s events so that we can provide a more diverse set of activities for you our local ND community. You can always check SDCAC’s website (http://sandiegocac.org/) or subscribe to their e-mails, but we’ll also be highlighting some of their events throughout the year. Here’s a few coming up soon:

    Friday, Oct. 17th, 6:30pm – 8:30pm at 57 Degrees, 1735 Hancock Street, San Diego.
    Let’s enjoy food and wine (or beer!) at 57 degrees. There is a $2 entrance fee for the food truck event. The food trucks line up in the back parking lot of the wine bar. All kinds of food available…and of course there is the wine bar and 31 beers on tap inside! More info at the website.
  • Singles (35-55) Group Chargers vs. Broncos Game Watch
    Thursday, Oct. 23rd, 5:25pm kickoff at Buffalo Wild Wings in Point Loma, 3615 Midway Drive, San Diego. The SDCAC e-mail does request RSVPs to DJ or Marian, but as I don’t want to publish their phone numbers, if you want to RSVP, let Nancy know at [email protected]

The Moyer Foundation’s 2014 Celebrity Golf Classic
Wed/Thu Nov 12, 13

To the Notre Dame Club of San Diego,

I am excited to share with you that The Moyer Foundation’s 2014 Celebrity Golf Classic will be held on Wednesday, November 12, and Thursday, November 13, at the world famous Torrey Pines, South Course, in San Diego, site of the U.S. Open Championship. I am also excited to share that my father, legendary men’s basketball coach and former ESPN analyst, Digger Phelps, will be joining us as a celebrity golfer! The pairing reception and dinner will be held Wednesday evening at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines beginning at 6 p.m., and will include cocktails, a silent and live auction, and memorable food created by Tom Douglas, the 2012 James Beard Restaurateur of the Year. Thursday’s Celebrity Golf Classic begins with a noon shotgun start, followed by a reception and awards ceremony at The Lodge at Torrey Pines.

We really hope you can join us! Our sponsorship package is attached at this link for more information. Your participation will help support The Moyer Foundation’s mission to provide comfort, hope and healing to children affected by loss and family addiction through our Camp Erin® and Camp Mariposa® programs. Together, we can make an even bigger difference in the lives of children. If you would like to sponsor the event, or play as an individual golfer, please contact Wendy Belzer Litzke at [email protected].

As The Moyer Foundation’s signature fundraiser of the year, it is going to be an amazing event!! I hope that you are able to join us.

Blessings and Go Irish,

Karen Moyer ’87


Ken Stimeling ’90
Communications Director
The Notre Dame Club of San Diego
[email protected]

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