Membership Dues

Membership Dues

Membership is open to alumni, parents, and fans of Notre Dame! We ask you to consider supporting the Club by becoming a dues paying member. Sign up at the ‘Regular’ level or higher to receive a Notre Dame membership card with your name, 2015 football schedule, and discounts at our game watch location and nearby merchants.

Pay using MyNotreDame: (Preferred) This is Notre Dame’s official system for local clubs to maintain contact data, collect dues, and process sign-ups for local events. This is the one place where you can update your family and career information, make address changes, and even update your email preferences. It is available for both alums and supporters of the University. Login with myNotreDame.


Auto-Renewal: You can now set your membership up for auto-renewal! If you select the radio button to the left of the membership level and then also select the radio button underneath the ‘auto-renewal’ heading, your membership will automatically renew on January 1st of each year. You will receive an email confirmation from the University when they charge your credit card.

If you need any assistance, the Notre Dame help desk is very responsive and helpful for both alums and non-alums: [email protected] or 574-631-1579.

Pay by Check: Please fill in the 2015 Membership Form and make checks payable to the ‘Notre Dame Club of San Diego’, P.O. Box 126894, San Diego, CA 92112-6894. (If you paid in 2014, you can just fill out your name, membership level, any donation, your email or phone number in case we have questions, and update any other information that has changed.)

Use Paypal: Even though we have converted to the myNotreDame system described above and prefer you to use that option, we will maintain the Paypal option for now. Please fill in or send the information requested on the Membership Form to [email protected]. Then, select your desired membership level below and click the ‘Pay Now’ button which will take you to the PayPal website. You do not need a PayPal account and you can use any major debit or credit card.

Membership Categories

Membership Levels

$600 Blue & Gold Member
All Leprechaun Member Benefits;
Includes 2 ND tickets to the USC at ND game. It may be possible to get tickets for a different game instead. The Club should know shortly which games we will have tickets to.
Limit: Only 5 Blue & Gold Memberships are available at this time.

$100 Leprechaun Member
All the benefits of Regular Membership;
Eligible to buy 4 ND game tickets*;
Priority for Game Tickets;
Priority Seating for Select Club Events.

$50 Regular Member
All the benefits of Basic Membership;
Eligible to buy 2 ND game tickets*;
Get a customized ND membership card with your name, 2015 football schedule, and 10%+ discounts to Prospect Bar & Grill and East Village Tavern (game watch spots), Torrey Pines Golf Shop, Hike Bike Kayak (HBK), We Olive and Wine Bar – La Jolla, Mangelsen – Images of Nature, and Mark Urquhart’s ’00 Real Food & Spirits in Solana Beach. Learn more about themembership card and discounts.

$30 Basic Member
Thank you for helping to improve local outreach and expanding the number of activities for students, alumni, and supporters. At a minimum, we’d like to provide discounts to select club events and offer to post a resume on our Jobs Board and/or a Free Personal/Professional Profile and Membership Recognition on our Connections Board.

* Although the Club can generally get an allotment of tickets either from the University or from other Clubs, ticket availability is not guaranteed at any level; Tickets are first distributed starting at the highest membership level to those who also paid dues in the prior year.

To learn more about what dues are used for and membership in the Notre Dame Club of San Diego, please visit our About Membership page.

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